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 updated 08/2017

Dear Procurement Official:  
The Director of the Division of Local Government Services is proposing regulations to codify various coursework, examination, certification, continuing education, and certification renewal requirements for municipal clerks, qualified purchasing agents, tax collectors, municipal CFOs, and county CFOs.  Also addressed are requirements for reappointment of a temporary chief financial officer, temporary qualified purchasing agent, or acting municipal clerk; as well as the appointment and reappointment of a private entity to temporarily perform the duties of a chief municipal finance officer.  The rule proposal is available under the Proposed Rules section of the DLGS Rules and Regulations webpage atwww.nj.gov/dca/divisions/dlgs/resources/rules_reg.html. 
Please submit written comments on the proposal by October 6, 2017 via e-mail to dlgs@dca.nj.gov or by regular mail to: Jason R.
Martucci, Esq. / Administrative Practice Officer / Division of Local Government Services / Department of Community Affairs / PO Box 803 / Trenton, NJ 08625-0803.  For comments submitted via e-mail, please name the subject heading "NJAC 5:32-Licensure of Certain Local Government Officers" 
THIS NOTICE HAS BEEN SENT TO THE FOLLOWING OFFICIALS: Municipal Clerk, Chief Financial Officer, Tax Collector / County Freeholder Board Clerk, Chief Financial Officer / Authority Officials / Procurement Officials

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